Instagram Success Summit Day 4: June 10 2016 Live-Tweeted Reviews

Event Name: Instagram Success Summit Virtual Educational Event
I’m finished live-tweeting all 30 fabulous speakers at the summit. While the sessions are no longer accessible for free you have the option to purchase an All Access Pass for on-demand access to 30+ expert interviews plus exclusive bonuses. If you take advantage of this offer I’ll look forward to getting to know you in the private Facebook community for the event for life-long learning. And if you join through my affiliate link, you support me in continuing to live-tweet similar educational events, so thank you!
Last Updated: TUES June 14 2016 12:18 PM
By: Glenda MacDonald (Event Affiliate/ Small Today events)

DAY FOUR (Aired June 10 2016)
Phase 4 – Making Money on Instagram: Automate and Monetize

Day 4 Speaker 1:
Farokh Sarmad is an Entrepreneur at Mr. Goodlife Inc. with 5,000,000+ followers across multiple accounts and a network reach of 40,000,000+.
Topic: How I manage multiple accounts on Instagram (5 million followers across 20 accounts)

Day 4 Speaker 2:
Jaime Derringer is the Founder at with 1 million Instagram followers.
Topic: How to hire the perfect person to manage your Instagram

Day 4 Speaker 3:
Chris Jones is a fellow e-Commerce Entrepreneur at BEC SPORT, growing business through Instagram
Topic: Strategies to automate sales on Instagram (Violation warning)

Day 4 Speaker 4:
Pejman Ghadimi is the founder at Secret Entourage with over 500K followers monetized to over 1.2M in sales revenue in 2015.
Topic: Conversion tips for a high revenue to follower ratio

Day 4 Speaker 5:
Rod Watson is a Luxury Real Estate Specialist at The Watson Group, 3 years to build up, over 100k each year since 2013.
Topic:  Location targeting tactics for local businesses

Day 4 Speaker 6:
Ricky Staub is the Director at Neighborhood Film Co., Filmmaker by trade, booked hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of business curating a personal feed that is unique.
Topic:  A proven strategy to get B2B clients from Instagram

Email Success Summit March 14 to 23 2016 (Now an Online Course)

ESS_MediumRectangleBannerLast updated: TUES March 29 2016 7:47 PM Toronto ON Canada
By: Glenda MacDonald, MBA, Freelance Writer, Social Media Strategist and Marketing Professional

Event Name: Email Success Summit Virtual Educational Event
Dates: March 14 to 23 2016 (Live portion completed; virtual course now open 24/7 with optional All Access Pass)
My hashtag: #ESS
My Affiliation: I’m an affiliate of Small Today for the Email Success Summit and the previous LinkedIn Success Summit. The opinions stated here are my own. Many people attended portions of the event for free. Those who chose/choose to upgrade to the All Access Pass using my affiliate link also assist me in defraying the costs of my time reviewing the event.
Location: online
Time Zone: EST 24/7
Price: purchase an All Access Lifetime pass (affiliate link above) or VIP Pass for fast-track
Registration through my Affiliate Link: Register for a Lifetime All Access Lifetime Pass including participation in a Private Facebook Group.
Event Presenter: Small Today
Liam Austin, Founder, of Small Today. Summit Host and Interviewer.
Speakers:  35+ international email marketing experts (one-on-one prerecorded interviews were released daily). See the full agenda by clicking the registration link.


Over 35 of the world’s top experts in email marketing presented at this virtual summit presented by Small Today . Liam Austin is the Founder of Small Today, an organization which focuses on the needs of small and medium-sized businesses including solopreneurs and startups. (I’m both a solopreneur and a startup! ) Liam personally live-interviewed each of the amazing experts from around the world via Skype.The interviews were recorded and curated over the last couple of months in preparation for sharing with us through this Summit. The experts were so generous, sharing what they’ve learned, including mistakes they’ve made and hacks they’ve discovered to shorten our learning curve in applying ideas to our own businesses.

As I watch each interview from the comfort of my home office using my laptop, an external monitor, and my cushy headphones, I’m finding that this format creates a very intimate experience… as if you’re alone in a room with Liam and the presenter! Liam is engaging and professional. He has an excellent rapport with the experts which makes for lively unscripted interviews and unpredictable segues! I’m thoroughly enjoying watching and learning at my own pace and am glad I upgraded to the lifetime All Access Pass which includes participation in a private Facebook Group set up for the All Access Pass holders.  I pop in there often to meet virtually with other attendees where we are becoming friends and helping each other apply the concepts to our own businesses with the moderation of Liam and his equally delightful co-founder partner Sarah Thorslund.

I’m deep-diving into the content-rich interviews as I review them and take extensive notes and tweet my insights. This Summit is not only for those beginning to look at email marketing. Even though I have decades of experience as a marketing professional who is now a freelancer, I’m learning so much more. While I’m trained as a Social Media Manager I haven’t done more than edit and write newsletters for other organizations. Integrating social media with lead magnets and landing pages or pop-ups, and understanding the many options for service providers and apps can be a little mind boggling. And that’s not the half of it! We also get into the psychology of the copywriting and graphic design! Some lectures I sail through quickly based on my experience. Others I keep having to pause.

Liam curated the interviews in a specific order with a different theme for each day so I feel compelled to watch them chronologically. I’m currently reviewing Day Two Speaker Three. I’m tweeting what I think are the most important points from each interview.  Click my attiliate link here to register for a Lifetime All Access Pass.

My Twitter Reviews

The interviews are intensive, content-rich and often fast-paced. It’s challenging and exhausting to watch and absorb them all live continuously. So I’m reviewing and transcribing each interview at my own pace, gleaning some fabulous tips and insights from Liam and the other experts. As a solopreneur I want to learn from these speakers and think about how I can apply their ideas and tools to my own evolution of becoming an email marketer (something I am a newbie at). So thank you for your patience. I hope you find my tweets helpful. When I have completed all the reviews I’ll use my notes for a comprehensive blog post with my overall impressions as a small business, marketing professional, and social media coach. Any questions? Chat with me on Twitter, comment below, or reach me via my Contact form.

You can find my tweets and reviews by searching Twitter for #ESS AND @glenda_macd
I am also embedding completed tweets here.  I’ll also update the speaker bios. Each interview is between 45 and 60 minutes in length.

Twitter Review IN PROGRESS

Day 2 THEME: List Growth (TUES March 15 2016 Original Air Date)
Speaker: Steve Chou

Topic: System to double your daily email opt-ins

COMPLETED Twitter Reviews:

Day 1 March 14 2016 Original Air Date (Speakers 1 to 6)

Day 2 March 15 2016 Original Air Date (Speakers 1 & 2)



Understanding Canada’s New Anti-Spam Law (CASL) – Free seminar May 6 Toronto

As of July 1st 2014 Canada’s new Anti-Spam Law (CASL) will be coming into effect. Have you been wondering what your organization will need to do to comply with this new legislation? Client relationship management including email communications will be affected and penalties will apply in the event of non-compliance!

I have just learned about an upcoming free event to address the needs of small business owners being organized by Lisette Andreyko of Kaleidoscope Consulting. Space is limited so register asap at the Eventbrite link below!

Understanding CASL: The new anti-spam law
Tues. May 6 2014 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (EDT)
ING Direct – Network Orange Cafe
221 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M5B 1M4
Presenter:  Jonathan MacKenzie of  Aluvion Law
Jonathan is a lawyer who works with small businesses and entrepreneurs, drawing on his former entrepreneurial experience. Jonathon will cover  the current law on sending business communications, summarize the upcoming changes with the CASL legislation, and how businesses can ensure that they stay compliant.

Click here to register and to contact Lisette Andreyko of Kaleidoscope Consulting.


This is part of a weekly meetup “Strategic Focus for Startups” that Kaleidoscope Consulting organizes. Group members provide peer support, sound advice, best practices and networking opportunities to improve focus.  Kaleidoscope Consulting offers start-up organizational advice and mentoring services to help you gain #strategicfocus and implement your unique business roadmap through personalized and practical workshops.

Glenda MacDonald
View Glenda MacDonald's LinkedIn profile View Glenda MacDonald’s profile

Last updated: April 22, 2014